Friday, February 28, 2014

Beer v Coffee: Which Is Better for Your Brain to Be Creative?

According to Ryoko Iwata of the blog I Love Coffee, the answer might be… both! 

How it works:  Working in conjunction, if you have the blood alcohol level of 0.07 (about the equivalent to 2 8-oz beers), your cerebral cortex, which is responsible for conscious thought, language and interaction, frees up from its normal distractions that occupy your mind and block creative thought.  And BAM!  You’re creative.  Where does the coffee come in?  Well, when adenosine binds with its adenosine receptor, you normally will feel drowsy.  But, when you introduce caffeine, adenosine binds with the caffeine and 5 minutes later… BAM!  You have the ability to focus and the energy to act on your ideas.

What’s the best time to drink a beer?  When you’re looking for a creative thought.  And the best time to drink coffee?  When you have to have the stamina to execute those brilliant ideas!

So, what’s the downside?  Warns Iwata, “Drink too much of either and you’ll lose the benefits of both. (Everything in moderation, folks!)

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sexual Health and Coffee!

Hey, lovers!  Want a good night of sex?  Have a cuppa Joe!  According to researcher Dr. Tierney Lorenz of the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University, the caffeine from coffee stimulates your “fight or flight” reaction in your body – the same body heating, pulse racing reaction that primes your body for sexual arousal.  Dr. Lorenz explains that this reaction “potentially provides additional blood flow to your genitals.” 

Dr. Lorenz does point out some timing issues, though.  It takes approximately 15 minutes for the caffeine’s affects to surface, and they wear off in 2-3 hours.  She warns of the dangers of overdoing a good thing as well.  “Too much stimulation can suppress arousal and backfire.”  How much is good?  Stick to one [amazing] cup.*
Happy Valentine’s Day, coffee lovers!  Cheers!
The Good Life March 1, 2014 issue, "The Link Between... Your Sexual Health and Your Morning Joe"