Saturday, July 28, 2012

What's So "Wise" About Wise Coffee?

We know that micro-roasted, organic (and fair trade wherever possible) coffee is the best possible way to enjoy coffee.  But why do we call it “Wise” coffee?
  • Organic.  “Wise” coffee is coffee that is 100% organic (and fair trade wherever possible) - the wise choice to make when buying coffee.  Wise Coffee is free of the pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, chemical fertilizers, and other potentially harmful chemicals used in the production of conventionally grown coffee.  Wise Coffee allows you to take advantage of the healthful benefits of coffee while protecting the environment (and the people who grow the green beans) from the effects of harmful chemicals. 

  • Healthy.  Wise Coffee is the smart choice for better health.  Recent research suggests that drinking moderate amounts of coffee (two to four cups per day) provides a wide range of health benefits.  In addition to coffee containing 4 times the amount of cancer-fighting anti-oxidants as green tea, moderate coffee drinking may lower the risk of colon cancer, gallstones, cirrhosis of the liver, Parkinson’s disease, and asthma (and in some studies – coffee even lowers the rate of suicide).

  • Fresh.  Wise Coffee is the choice for a micro-roasted fresh cup of coffee every time, never stale or stockpiled.  Obviously, drinking coffee that has been freshly roasted and properly brewed is more beneficial (and tasty) than suffering coffee that is terminally stale or badly brewed.  In fact, coffee starts losing its freshness and health benefits as soon as you roast it and can be reasonably acceptable to drink for only a few weeks if stored properly.  Moreover, as soon as you grind the coffee, the taste and benefits fall away almost immediately (which is why we sell only beans so that ground coffee is not going stale on our customers’ countertops).  Just as a comparison, retail outlets (such as Starbuck’s) roast in massive batches of coffee that are stored, whole bean and ground, for months prior to sale.  In-store retails options, such as Folgers, allow a “freshness standard” that includes 2-3 months for coffee to be process and be delivered to the store shelves, up to 1 year of shelf life in the store, and a recommended 6 months to 1 year of recommended shelf life, after you get it home.  Wouldn’t you rather be “Wise?”

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