Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A Year of Beginnings

2013 was a pretty amazing year for Wise Coffee!  We started the process of building out our new roastery, got our plans turned in to the County (argh!  now it begins!), added some new WONDERFUL clients, and made some pretty incredible friends along the way.  You can find Wise Coffee now brewed and served at several LA foodie hubs, like Venice Alehouse, Bank of Venice, Red Bread, and the Larchmont to name a few.  (If you're experiencing a "have to have my Wise Coffee" moment, you can even buy our beans at Venice Alehouse and Red Bread).  We've grown our family (shout out to Megan - our partner and dearest friend - and fan), and we're looking forward to an unforgettable and groundbreaking 2014.

One of the most poignant metaphors/omens for this year included the vast number of butterflies that established themselves in our garden this year!  9+ caterpillars grew into butterflies right before our eyes - and they liked flying to (and landing on) Ryu (our roaster).  What a year!

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