Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Why Water Quality is SO Important

We've often mentioned and emphasized to our customers and readers the importance of water quality makes on the quality of the brew of ANY coffee.  One day, our roaster wanted to illustrate this point to us during a discussion and boiled down a gallon of tap water in a green ceramic pot.  This is a picture of what LA municipal tap water looks like when it's boiled down!  Massive mineral and chemical sediment remains that, if used to brew coffee, in the coffee that you drink as well. 

ALWAYS use clear, clean, FILTERED water. Respect the beans (and your health) and get the best possible brew every time.


  1. Nice information i got form this blog. Its very informative blog for the knowledge how to getBest coffee.Thanks for sharing with us this useful blog.I am really glad by reading this article.

  2. Thanks, David! Appreciate your comments. Hope to keep giving you informative articles and news that you can enjoy and really put into practice. Glad this helped. Let us know if there is anything else we can research or write about for you related to coffee or the coffee industry.
